Puan Maharani Nakshatra Kusyala Devi is the youngest child and the only daughter of former president and current PDI-P leader Megawati Sukarnoputri, and a granddaughter of Indonesia's first president Sukarno. Her father, Taufiq Kiemas, was a politician who served as the speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly from 2009 until his death in 2013. She graduated S.Sos. from Mass Communication programme Universitas Indonesia. In 2020, Puan Maharani awarded Doktor (Honoris Causa) from Universitas Diponegoro. She is the first female and the third-youngest person (being aged 46, when she took the oath of office) to take the office permanently. She previously served as the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs between 2014 and 2019, also becoming the first female and the youngest among all past and present coordinating ministers, being only 41 when she took office. A member of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), she was first elected to the People's Representative Council in 2009. She served as head of the party's faction from 2012 until her selection as minister in 2014. She was one of eight women selected as ministers and the only female coordinating minister. She was again re-elected to the People's Representative Council in the 2019 election.
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