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All Accepted peer-reviewed papers will be published in proceedings or journal indexed by Scopus.
International Conference on Information Technology and Engineering Applications (ICIEAP2022). This conference invites all potential authors to submit papers in the area of mechanical and industrial engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, civil and architectural engineering, chemical and process engineering, physics and mathematics also computer sciences.
Track 1: Information Technology
- Expert systems
- Decision support systems
- Audit and IT governance
- Computers Vision
- Game and animation
- Software defect
- Artificial intelligence
- Communication, Networking, and Broadcasting
- Computers for Education
- Mobile Application programming
- Internet of things
- Health informatics
- Business informatics
- Computers engineering
- Computers security
- Security forensic
- Operating systems
- Cryptology
- Cloud computing
- Computing and Processing
- Signal Processing & Analysis
Track 2: Mechanics, Physics and Mathematics
- Automotive technology
- Composite materials & properties
- Strength, fracture, damage and fatigue
- Methods of optimization of composite structures
- Composite materials application and recycling of advanced composites
- Sandwich structural and joint design
- Characterisation & research methods: microstructure properties, physical properties, mechanical properties, strength properties, finite-element modelling, mathematical modelling, physical modelling, and physical experiment
- Thermodynamics, fluid dynamics & statistical physics
- Condensed matter physics & materials : nanomaterials, semiconductors, low temperature physics
- Computational physics & numerical simulation
- Applied physics : acoustic, noise & vibration; medical physics & healthcare technology; mechanics, rheology & tribology
- Applied mathematics : dynamic system, control & automation, neural networks & artificial intelligence, numerical analysis & computational mathematics, operational research
Track 3: Construction and Structure Engineering
- Construction project management
- Asset management and Infrastructure
- Traffic and pavement engineering
- Structural engineering
- Construction material technology
- Management and water resources engineering
- Ocean structure
- Geotechnical Engineeting
- Disaster risk management
Track 4: Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
- Decision Methods
- E-Business and E-Commerce
- Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis
- Human Factors and ergonomics
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Management information System
- Intelligent Systems
- Manufacturing Systems
- Operations Research
- Product Design and Innovation
- Production Planning and Control
- Project Management and control
- Quality Control and Management
- Reliability and Maintenance Engineering
- Safety, Security and Risk Management
- Systems Modeling and Simulation
- Technology and Knowledge Management
Track 5: Chemical and Process Engineering
- General Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering Education
- Physical chemistry and thermodynamics
- Catalysis & reaction engineering
- Biotechnology
- Process Intensification;
- Process integration; Nanotechnology ;
- Particle Technology
- Separation Processes;
- Process System Engineering
- Energy and environment;
- Safety and Environmental Technology;
- Industry Safety
- New Materials
- Processing of Natural Resources
- Waste Treatment;
- Wastewater Engineering
- Pollution Control Hazardous Waste Treatment Oleochemical/Petrochemical
- Petroleum Engineering
- Chemical Fluid Mechanics and CFD Controls and Optimization
- Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
Track 6: Electrical Power, Electronics, Communication, Control and Robotics
- Power quality
- Power system protection
- Smart power system
- Electric machines and drives
- High voltage engineering
- Renewable energy
- Power electronics
- Medical electronics
- Microelectronics
- Nanotechnology
- Nano-electronic devices
- Wireless communication
- Antenna and wave propagation
- Optics and photonics
- Sensor network
- Modeling and system identification
- Intelligent control system
- Fuzzy logic and knowledge-based systems
- Advanced machines learning
- Embedded systems
- Industrial automation systems
- Robotics
- Autonomous system
- Computer vision
Track 7: Sustainable Built Environment, Architecture Design and Technology
- Sustainable development and built environment
- Green architecture and built environment
- Intelligent architecture and smart city
- Healthy architecture and urban environment
- Building science
- Architecture and climate change
- Climatic design